2010年12月30日 星期四

New Taipei City

Taipei county has became a New Taipei City in this year. It may be a good thing for the people who own a house. House rate is up up up. For the most citizn do feel any different in other face.
I think that we need a satisified public facility and organized education plan. Police officiers ,firefighters and teachers are to be reviewed. It is most things to be considered.

Bidding a Poject

When a plant is under considered to build. Owner will invite capable bidder to joint the bidding.
They will provide many basic data and a lot of requirement wirtten in paper and send to each bidder who is intrested to get the porject. There are many risk to every project. First, the owner's doucment may not be clearly for all requirement. The second, diferent doucment may request inconsistance. Bidders have to raise their clarification to the owner to make sure what is actully the owner specification is correct.

DCS System

DCS is a kind of controller which is usually be installed in the central control room. They are very important device in a plant. Most of the plants are automatic control. Boss just hire few emplyees to watch the status of the plant. all the control devices move automatically and shut down when plants out of control. Even the operators are only a little, the plant still works in safety condition.

Instrument design

In a chemical or a power plant, needs many eletric instruments in every process line, tank or equipment. Operator at control room through the digital control system to watch to plant. Nowdays, electric instrument has improved in their accurcay and method of measurement technique. Of couse, the price is much lower than before. In the other hand, wireless is next hit device.

Over Weight Problem in U.S.

Two out of three people in America today are obese. When you walking on the street or set down on the restaruant, you might see many drain fat people. Why do people eat so many calories, especially U.S.? Food might be the big fact. In the America, fast food serves humbergers everwhere. Due to the price is much cheaper other restaruants. American people usually have lunch or dinner in the fast restaruant. Howevery, high calories food is became a reqular food.

2010年12月26日 星期日

Watching TV

TV is not welcome in my house. I think that the children shall not see TV program. Many TV channels do not seriously consider if the vedio affect to our kids. Sometimes sex or violance topic are welcome to those vedio producer. In the news, they explain every detail of the crime. It seems to teach the others criminal how to suceess next time. Our TV like to catch the news related with sex. Therefore, I usually keep the TV closed. The public channel is a few TV channel which I like. I have ever watched some good films in the channel. I suggest if you have kids lived with you, the public channel would be a good choice for you and your young.

Package Tour

Many people in Taiwan like to travel by package tour. They usually go the some famous resorts in the country with cheapest price. I have ever had a package tour to Tailand. We went to many places where many foreigners like to visit. But the restaurant sometime far away from the place, it usually take long hour to go here. Driver did carrie us out to the shopping in the certain store. When we came to the hotel, it is about to sleep. Now I don't like to joint to any package tour anymore unless the place is required to be better in package tour.

Eat Healthy

People hard to maintain a healthy body in our life. Look around in your life. Aire pollution is much worse then before, and food providers are only consider how to make money not about consumer's health. Water is also not clear for use. It is series problem for every one to think about how to keep you on healthy. I suggest that first thing is less eat out. when you eat out often, you are hand out your life to the food maker. Next, you can choose the food from few stories which care your health. It may cost more money from your pag.


Economy is a series problem for every countries. Boundary of trade of each country is not clear. Therefore, factory can sell their product to every where in the world. Local maker is fored to face the competitors from all over the world. Big Internation company will become worse enemy for the local company. Governments play the inportant role to support local ecomony. The South Korea is likly be a model. Big money is continue given to the certain Korea's lead companies by many ways.

Bright Idea

Bright idea is important in our daily life. When you decide to buy a any thing you need, think the way to work out your work or choose a good resturant, you need to use you knowledge and experence. Many products also include certain bright idea. For example, iphone 4 and ipad are well known electric devices which many people like spend much money to buy it. Sometime cost down is the desinger's target. Once a Ikea's furniture designer was working on developing a lower cost coffee table. The challenge is the how to make it in lower price. Finally, he did it. He uses honeycomb which is made out of recycling paper. Therefore, it isn't as heavy as nature wood or solid wood. So it cost less then other competitors.

2010年12月21日 星期二

Ramen Noodles

It is a famous japaness noodle dish. It was originated from China. In the 明治5年 the Qing dynasty and Japan made a treaty on peace adn friend. After that thousand of Chinese moved and lived in 神戶 長崎 橫濱. It was begining of Reman distribution into Japen. The original ramen was called shina soba 支那麵, meaning of the noodle from China. In the 1868 the first reman shop was oped at Tokyo and named 來來軒. One theory is that the japaness pronunction of the chinese 拉麵 meaning hand-pulled noodle. The reason which was called hand-pulled noodle by thery way of production. When wheat is made into flour and then mix water, salt together into a doughth. The dough is like chewing gum. it can be stretched very long. In the olddays, the noodles makers made noodle by hand. My favority is Tokyo style ramen which consists of slightly thin, curly noodles served in a soy-flavoured chicken broth. Enjoy reman like me.

2010年12月20日 星期一

Travel to U.S

In the end week of October, I traved to U.S. with my college. It was a inspection held in the maker's factory. We went to check and test our product before it was shipped. Our flight from Taipei to Los Angeles was about eleven hours. Next flight from Los Angeles to Dallas was about four hours. The thired flight was from Dallas to Alexandria about two hours. We were tired enough when we got the air port ot the Alexandria in the morinig. Due to the jet lag I was sleepy when we arrived. The cap picked us up to the hotel. Near the hotel was two restaurants. We tried each of them while we stayed there. After we finished our work in the factor, we decidedt to rentel to New Orieans to visit the city. I thought that only the place we could go in the state. We did see many things in New Orieans and part of American cotural. I don't hope to visit U.S. again because jet lag is a problem.


Taiwan is a place in the world most closer to Japan. One of the reason is that Taiwan was ever been government by Janpan up to 50 years. Many educated old Taiwaness are able to speak Janpanese including first elected pricedent 李登輝. Nowdays there are still planty of students leaning Japanese. Due to the Janpan has strong economy and export many high quotaty product into Taiwan. Even their actors or singers have big fans in here. I like their culture such as clearn city and their working atitude. I have ever worked with them and I respected their hard working. I have been in Janpan, but I hope I have chance to be in Janpan.

Being a Team Leader

Team leader is a very dificult job. I have been work for CTCI six years. Recently project I was assigned to be a leader for the project. First thing for leader is a cabability for read hundurd mail a day. Everyday many mails like bullets to shoot you, and you need to catch every massage. While reading the mails, your members are waiting for your instruction for their work. When you may start priority those things, project team meeting is waiting for your. You don't even have time to organization your work. You just catch up and catch up those thins to reach every goal what they give you. Sometimes I realy think I have to take a bread and think nothing about job.


It is a wonderful phone. I have never saw any phone which like iphone. TV, magazine and news paper foucs on when it start to sale and how many consumers lining up all night just for the phone. They are prode to be a fans of iphone and satified to hold their desire phone . I admin that iphone very easy to use when I first try it on the shop. Suddly I also seems I should have a one eighter. Even it is a lovely product, I hardly make decition to buy it. The price is realy out of my budget. If here any one is in the same situation with me, HTC may be a phone which can insead of iphone. It is my personal suggestion.


Youtube is a website on internet, and it is one of the most popular website on the world. Every day thousand of people get on line and search their favorite video all that for free. Thanks to the internet. The high speed internet service proives good quotaty for watching video on line. There are stored thousand video waiting for every internet user to explore. Every one can also be a vedio provider to upload your video on Youtube. You may become a somebody if your vedio is hot enough. I watch Youtube very often. I like watching English learning vedio and music vedio.
On the Youtube, some of the Engilish native speckers have recorded many teaching material. Some of their teaching video are free, so I can enjoy the watching at home and cost on money.

2010年12月3日 星期五

Airliner Carsh

Airliner is a large air craft that carrier out many passengers from one place to next destination. When the plane crash, many people will be feared dead at the moment. The safety is the most thing the aircraft. Here is an example in India; One Boeing 737 overshot the hilltop runway when it tried to land. The plant belonged to a budget airline, carried many India nations who returned from jobs in the Gulf to visit their family. Nearly 160 dead in the accident including 20 children on board.

Solar Energy

All the people on the earth have the same problem on creating clean power. Duo to climate is changing and the temperature gradually goes up.The scientists are worried about too much CO2 in the air, and green house gas is taking great effect to human. How to create recycling and clean power resources is became the most important thing. Solar energy is on of the solution in the situation. Solar energy is radiant light and heat from sun, a renewable energy on earth. Due to the technology has much improved than before; it is became a second power source in some country. In Taiwan, many companies are trying to make cheaper solar power plant. Therefore, it will widely use on someday. We have only one earth, and we must protect our planet as soon as possible. Trying to use clean energy is only one way what we can do.