To learn about History of Eqype. Egyptian people
have been lived near Nile River for over 7,000
years. By the time, they had no idea that Nile River
is the longest river in the world. Nile
River not only provided for plant corps, but also
provided the people with other soures of food,
including fish and ducks. Until now, Nile River
is still an important part of Egyptian life today.
In ancient Egype, Pharaoh was the king of Egype.
His power was still base on laws and was passed from
father to son. Once the Pharaoh died, large tombs,
mastabas, was his home. The tomb was called
pyramid which made by big stone. There are more
than eighty pyramids are still sight of the Nile River.
Who moved thousands of stone blocks to build the
great Pyramids? It is still a question.